Renter’s Insurance: Benefits as a Landlord

Renting a property can be a significant investment, but it does come with some risks. Disasters happen, and your landlord’s insurance may not be enough to protect you fully. As a landlord in Commerce, GA, it is essential for you to require your tenants to have a renter’s insurance policy. Encourage your tenants to call Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. today to establish their policy. The benefits to your tenants are clear, but there are also many benefits for you as a landlord.

Added Security

  • Without renter’s insurance, a tenant may ask a landlord to cover the cost of replacing their items damaged due to flooding from a burst pipe, etc. With renter’s insurance, their items are covered, and replacement is straightforward.

Reduce the Risk of Legal Problems

  • A landlord might be held liable if a guest or other third party is injured on the rental property. If your tenant has renter’s insurance, the policy covers that liability, saving all parties time and out-of-pocket costs.

Pet Liability Coverage

  • Renter’s insurance takes the risk out of allowing pets in your rental properties. Some renter’s insurance policies may cover damage to the property by your tenants’ pets, saving everyone headaches in the long run.

Renter’s insurance is becoming a must-have for all renters, and landlords like you should consider requiring your tenants to have it, no matter what type of property they rent. It has numerous protections for them and often overlooked benefits and protections for you as their landlord. Call Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc in Commerce, GA today to talk about options available to tenants. Then, please give them our number and encourage them to explore their options to help protect themselves and their belongings.

Do I need umbrella insurance with no employees at my business?

If you’re a business owner without assets you want to protect, umbrella insurance may be a good investment. Many business owners would be unprepared to replace, repair, or pay for some business loss out of pocket. As a result, umbrella insurance can be the backup that many business owners benefit from. Our Commerce, GA team at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. takes pride in helping Georgia business owners get the necessary coverage. 

What is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is simply a backup or secondary insurance policy. Business owners need to have a primary insurance policy before an umbrella insurance policy can be purchased. Umbrella insurance is designed to provide coverage for anything that extends beyond the limits of the primary insurance policy. However, if your primary insurance policy does not cover something, umbrella insurance will likely cover it too. 

I’m a Small business Owner with no Employees. Do I need Umbrella Insurance?

Suppose you have significant assets that you’re interested in protecting and feel that the limits of your primary insurance could be exceeded or maxed out. In that case, umbrella insurance may be a good investment, even for a small business. Umbrella insurance will provide coverage if any incident exceeds the limits of your primary insurance policy. However, umbrella insurance isn’t a required form of coverage. It’s optional. Business owners with considerable assets and concerns may benefit from an umbrella insurance policy. Call us if you’re a business owner with questions about umbrella insurance. We’d be happy to discuss the benefits and coverage with you. 

Does my business need boiler insurance?

When you visit Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. for commercial insurance for your Commerce, GA business, you might think it will be like purchasing a home policy. It isn’t. Commercial insurance offers more than 25 types of coverage, many specific to a business. Boiler insurance falls into the category of commercial insurance.

Boiler Insurance Defined

The term boiler insurance describes one of the most common types of commercial business. Any business that owns its office building or storefront needs it. It doesn’t just cover actual boilers. It covers any furnace or HVAC type and other equipment related to building operations.

Larger buildings and industrial complexes use a physical plant to manage electrical, gas, and telecommunications lines. Boiler insurance covers all of their equipment.

Why Does a Business Need Boiler Insurance?

With complex areas of insurance, such as commercial insurance, the insurance industry divides coverage into smaller policies so businesses can quickly and affordably choose only the coverage they need. For example, you’d need to own the building to need a boiler policy, so the many businesses that lease space or work from an office in their home don’t need this policy. Conversely, a doctor’s office would need malpractice insurance, another type of commercial coverage that no manufacturing plant would need.

If you own a building that others lease space in, you’d need boiler insurance, even if the building did not use a boiler. Your building might use a 21-st century heat pump and the latest HVAC technology, but you’d still purchase a boiler insurance policy to cover those items.

Contact Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. for more information on covering your Commerce, GA business with boiler insurance. Let us help you protect your Georgia business.

Stay Protected With Renters’ Insurance

If you rent your home, there are many things you are responsible for, such as your liability and possessions. Most landlords today require that you keep renters’ insurance for as long as the lease lasts. If you don’t have a policy yet or want to switch policies, call us at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc in Commerce, GA.

Get Protection for Your Belongings

One of the most important protections renters’ insurance provides is coverage for all your home’s possessions. Most of your possessions are likely inside your rental, and you need to protect them from a wide range of risks.

Your renters’ insurance can protect you against many different risks, such as natural disasters and accidents that can ruin what you own. You should never be without this insurance for that reason. Renters’ insurance is inexpensive, and the value it offers is something that every renter needs to keep in place. 

Liability Protection

Another type of protection that you get with this policy is protection in case of liability. When someone is in your home and gets injured there, you, as the renter, are likely to be held liable for all of their expenses. This can be everything from legal costs, to lost wages, and massive medical bills. To protect against this liability, renters’ insurance covers you. The policy can pay for all the expenses incurred because of the accident, saving you a lot of money. 

Get Your Renters’ Insurance

If you are signing a lease for a rental, you need to call us at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. in Commerce, GA. Our team can work with you to build a reliable renter’s insurance policy.

Why businesses operating in litigious industries can’t go without umbrella protection

Georgia area business owners can rely on the team at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. in Commerce, GA. We are proud to serve the business community and provide protection from liability and other commercial concerns. Call us to discuss umbrella insurance policy options if it’s time to increase your liability coverage. 

Protect your company with an umbrella policy

We indeed live in a litigious business environment, and companies operating in specific industries can be at even greater risk. Business owners should review their commercial insurance policies regularly and carefully. Once a primary policy’s liability protection is exhausted, financial liability can fall to the firm’s owners. 

With the right umbrella policy, a company will enjoy greater liability protection. There is no reason for one frivolous lawsuit to wipe out the hard work and dedication to creating a successful business. Now is an ideal time to meet with a local commercial insurance agent and learn about umbrella policy options.

An umbrella policy effectively protects a company’s assets from lawsuits and other liability issues. If you are ready to add this policy to your company’s overall insurance portfolio, we can help you determine which is correct.

We are here to help with all of your liability insurance needs

Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. is here for the Commerce, GA area business community. If you aren’t sure if you have the liability protection your company needs, an umbrella policy may be the solution. Let’s set up a time to talk and review the available options. Call today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to working with you!

Do You Need Commercial Insurance for Your Business?

After doing all the work it takes to start and open a business, you will want to protect your livelihood and your investment in your industry. One of the best ways to do that is through a commercial insurance policy. The Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. agents in Commerce, GA want you to understand what commercial insurance covers.

First, under Georgia law, all businesses that employ three or more part-time or full-time employees must have worker’s compensation insurance or at least be a qualified self-insurer. The law also requires all vehicles that are used or owned by a business to have a minimum amount of commercial auto insurance in place in the event an accident occurs.

Commercial Liability Insurance Coverage

This type of insurance coverage will help you protect your business if someone is injured at your business or due to an incident that occurs because of your business. This type of coverage will also assist you in paying for any property damage that occurs because of your business. It can also cover things like slander, libel, and copyright infringement. It can be very useful if someone also files a lawsuit against your company.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is very important to have in place, especially if you own the building in which your business is located. It will help you replace lost or stolen inventory due to a burglary, and it can help you if your business is destroyed or damaged due to a natural disaster, an act of vandalism, or even a fire.

Get Your Policy Started

An inexperienced commercial insurance agent can assist you with all of your commercial insurance needs and create a policy that works for you and your business. To start your commercial insurance policy, contact the trusted insurance agents at the Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. in Commerce, GA today!

Why umbrella insurance is so important for small businesses

Commerce, GA area small business owners rely on Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. for their commercial insurance needs. If you are in our area and are looking for some help with your commercial insurance, give us a call today. Understanding the benefits of a robust commercial insurance portfolio can help protect your company now and in the future.

The importance of umbrella insurance when it comes to small businesses

Many small businesses are structured so that the owners can be held liable for losses and suits against the company. While this isn’t always the case, it is frequent enough that small business owners need a greater layer of protection around themselves and their assets.

If you are the owner of a small business, now is a great time to look at umbrella insurance. This type of policy can help if your primary policy meets or exceeds its payout limits. You can either have an umbrella policy to absorb the loss or face personal liability when this occurs.

No one wants to be personally at risk when it comes to the dealings of their companies. And fortunately, this can be easily avoided by having an umbrella policy in place to fill any gaps that can occur. If you want to ensure that you have the protection you need, it’s time to consider umbrella insurance.

Schedule your commercial insurance consultation today

Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. is here for the Commerce, GA business community. If you have questions about umbrella insurance and how it can protect your business, call us today. We look forward to working with you to find the right insurance solutions for your company.

Umbrella policy options for Georgia business owners

Commerce, GA area business owners and operators rely on the Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. team for their insurance needs. If you are considering adding an umbrella policy to your commercial insurance portfolio, give us a call today. We are here to help our business community!

Benefits of umbrella insurance

Several great benefits come with having an umbrella policy in place to protect your business. The main ones are, of course, liability protection and keeping your business in a place where it can recover from a significant, negative incident. We hear too many stories about great, successful businesses ceasing operations because of losses due to events out of their control.

These stories become even more heartbreaking when we learn that the closures could have been avoided with the right insurance. Fortunately, getting the right insurance in place can be done efficiently, protecting your business from future losses.

Umbrella policies are a great supplement to your primary policies. They come into play if your primary protection is ever depleted. Because commercial policies can be exhausted, it is crucial to have additional coverage above and beyond them that will fill in.

If you want to make sure that your company can successfully navigate the future, it’s time to take a look at umbrella insurance no matter what may happen. 

Are you looking for umbrella insurance? We can help!

Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. is here to provide the Commerce, GA community with its business insurance needs. If it’s time for you to add an umbrella policy to your current coverage, call us today. We can schedule an appointment to discuss your needs and ensure that your company has the protection it needs!

Common Commercial Insurance Exclusions

We would all like our insurance plans to cover us against all the possible risks, but this is not always the case. All insurance policies have limitations and exclusions that you need to understand to avoid surprises when filing a claim. At Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. in Commerce, GA, we are here to help you understand the ins and outs of your commercial insurance coverage. Today, we cover the common exclusions for your commercial insurance.


Any damage by floods isn’t covered by your typical business insurance. However, you can purchase stand-alone insurance from the NFIP or private carriers if you live in a flood-risk zone.

Earth movement

Your conventional commercial insurance plan doesn’t cover earthquakes and sinkholes. However, you can purchase "riders" or "add-ons" to cover your business against such risks.

Machine breakdown

Machines are bound to break at some point in time. Insurance companies don’t view this as a risk since it will happen anyway. That said, your typical commercial insurance doesn’t cover normal wear and tear and typical machine breakdowns.

Personal vehicle used for commercial use

Have you converted your vehicle for commercial purposes? No problem. All you need to do is convert your standard auto insurance into commercial auto insurance. Otherwise, your claims are likely to be dishonored.

Intentional damage or criminal acts

If you intentionally cause property damage or self-injury, your insurer will void any claim you try to make. Similarly, any damage or losses resulting from criminal acts, including fraud, will be voided by your insurer.

Government actions

Typical business insurance doesn’t cover losses and damages arising from government actions like nuclear hazards and military actions.

Your trusted Commerce, GA insurance agent

Need to learn more about commercial insurance? Need to purchase commercial insurance in Commerce, GA? Please choose Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. for all your commercial insurance needs.

Does renters insurance include loss of use?

Renters insurance provides valuable living coverage for your home and property against damage that can occur from various unexpected events. Protecting your belongings is incredibly important and should be a part of everyone’s basic financial plan, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why our agents at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. understand that no matter what size apartment or house you own or rent, you deserve the protection of renters’ insurance.

It is vital to protect your personal property with a comprehensive insurance coverage plan. Whether you are a student living in an apartment or a homeowner that rents out their basement in Commerce, GA, renters insurance is essential.

What is covered under renters insurance?

Renters insurance provides financial protection from specific losses to personal possessions and additional living expenses resulting from damage to the rental property caused by fire, lightning, windstorm, or similar causes, vandalism, and theft.

Whether you live in a house or a condominium, renters insurance is an affordable and comprehensive way to protect your most valuable assets. Your belongings are protected against theft and covered if they’re damaged. Plus, renters insurance covers losses that aren’t physical-like liability protection or the cost of hiring a lawyer to get your things back.

Renters insurance provides coverage for having your home destroyed by fire and other covered hazards. Your policy may also cover you if someone is injured in your home, stolen property, or if a hurricane and other named storm damage your belongings. You’ll also receive protection for living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss.

Does renters insurance include loss of use?

In Commerce GA, a basic homeowners policy generally provides coverage if your home is damaged and uninhabitable. The insurance limit is the less rebuilding cost or market value. A basic policy covers personal property kept in or around the home, up to certain limits. A basic policy does NOT include loss of use/rental value and living expenses insurance. That would be a separate extension of coverage, also referred to as an endorsement.

For more information about what renters insurance does and does not cover and for advice about additional coverage for your belongings, call an agent at Hyman Brown Insurance Agency Inc. in Commerce, GA today!